Los Olivos CSD Candidate Forum
Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6 pm
Los Olivos Elementary School Gymnasium
2540 Alamo Pintado Ave., Los Olivos
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82219698331?pwd=TkowdHFUZEVMYys2WGR2RUp4WWlqQT09
Meeting ID: 822 1969 8331
Passcode: 838016
One tap mobile+16699006833,,82219698331# US
Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6PM - Los Olivos Elementary School Gymnasium - Our community has an important election approaching on November 8th. There are four open seats on the board of the Los Olivos CSD. We encourage your attendance and participation in a Los Olivos Candidates Forum. Come so you can hear from the six Los Olivos residents who are running for these board positions.
The Los Olivos Community Services District is not involved with this Candidate Forum. Instead, this is being posted to help spread the word that the forum is occuring. The three entities hosting the forum are Preservation of Los Olivos, Los Olivos Rotary, and WeWatch.